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Jig-Bee Flower Farm

Poppy Giant Breadseed Seeds

Hardy Annual


Papaver somniferum

These 4-foot, multi-stemmed, produce delicate, single-petaled pale lavender-pink flowers with darker centers—a beautiful and practical addition to any garden! While the flowers don't make great cut flowers, the green seed pods can be harvested for fresh or dried use.

This special poppy variety was gifted to me by Erica from The Bloom Flower Farm. What makes it unique? The seed pods are GIANT and don’t vent! I believe this is the culinary variety called Ziar, known for its large seed heads filled with unusually sweet grayish-blue seeds. Unlike other poppies, its closed vents keep seeds from scattering, ensuring more make it into your bread (or your seed stash) instead of the ground or your table.

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    Planting Instructions


    Transplant: Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before transplanting out. Can tolerate cool temperatures so transplant out in early spring. Take care to keep plants from becoming root-bound and be gentle when transplanting. Can be direct sown in late fall or early spring.

    Germination Requirements: Do not cover, needs light to germinate

    Days to Germination: Germinates in 10-25 days at 68℉


    Light Preference: Full sun to part shade

    Plant Height:   36-60 inches

    Plant Spacing:  6-9” for cut flower production, 12” for landscape

    Pinching: No

    Flower Support: Strongly recommended

    Days to Bloom: 100-120 days


    Yield: 2-5 stems per plant

    Harvest Fresh: Wait until the petals fall off and the pod begins to swell. Harvest window continues until the pods have ripened and acquired a powdery coating. 

    Expected Vase Life: 7-10 days for green pods

    Harvest Dry: Wait until the pods have ripened fully before drying. 


    Cut Flower, Dried Flower, Edible Seeds, Garden Beds, Meadow Plantings, and Beneficial Insect Plantings

    Shipping Information

    Seeds are shipped via USPS. Any orders placed after 12pm on Friday or over the weekend will be filled the following week. Please allow 2-3 business days for your seed order to be processed.
    We do not ship internationally.

    Poppy Giant Breadseed Seeds
    Poppy Giant Breadseed Seeds